The European Declaration on Quantum Technologies was celebrated at the ‘Shaping Europe’s Quantum Future’ conference in Belgium on March 2024, with special guests and representatives from Member States in attendance. The declaration, signed by many EU countries, aims to acknowledge... Continue reading
In March 2024, during the Digital Transformation Dialogues at UNESCO’s headquarters a discussion paper was published by the UNESCO and Quantum Delta NL. The document “explores the global impact of quantum technologies and charts the relevant discussions around the human... Continue reading
Between 14-17 May, members of the QCIHungary project visited Singapore. The researchers from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), László Bacsárdi, Head of the Mobile Communication and Quantum Technologies Laboratory, Márton Czermann and Máté Galambos, PhD students at... Continue reading
The European Commission (EC) announced the opening of calls for proposals under Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 digital, industrial, and space work program, focusing on research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence and quantum technologies. The Commission plans to invest €112 million in... Continue reading
In June 2023, the experts of the QCIHungary project conducted a professional meeting at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics. Due to the advancement of research in quantum technology and quantum communication, the European Union has prioritised the broader application... Continue reading
The annual workshop of the Quantum Informational National Laboratory of Hungary was hosted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on June 9, 2023. The laboratory has been founded by Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Eötvös Loránd... Continue reading
One June 7, 2023 our colleagues were in Brussels to discuss the future of the European Quantum Communications Infrastructure #euroqci. The QCIHungary project was represented Balázs Visky (Governmental Agency for IT Development) and László Bacsárdi (Budapest University of Technolog and... Continue reading
The Hungarian quantum communication community was represented by researchers of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at the New Capabilities and Countries in European Space Conference 2023 organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) in May 22-24, 2023... Continue reading
László Bacsárdi, associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics gave an invited lecture at the largest Baltic technology conference. The organizers of the largest Baltic technology conference, Deep Tech Atelier 2023 invited László Bacsárdi, associate professor at the... Continue reading
Április 14-én a Kvantum Világnapja (World Quantum Day) alkalmából a QHungary egy Meetup-ot tartott, ahol mintegy 70 érdeklődő hallgathatott meg érdekes előadásokat a kvantumtechnológia jelenlegi kihívásairól hat kiváló, a kvantumtechnológia különböző irányzataival foglalkozó magyar kutatótól. A QCIHungary részéről Kiss Tamás,... Continue reading
Showing 21–30 of 31 posts