The Telecommunications Section of the Association for Telecommunications and Information Science (HTE) holds monthly Telecommunications Clubs. The topic of the 28 May event was quantum communications. The audience was again composed of telecommunications professionals from Hungary and other interested listeners. The event was hosted by László Bacsárdi, Head of the Mobile Communication and Quantum Technologies Laboratory at BME, who is a key member of the QCIHungary team.

Sándor Imre, Professor at BME, Head of the National Laboratory for Quantum Informatics, spoke about the EU’s quantum programmes and efforts, including the EuroQCI programme. Eszter Gerhátné Udvary, Associate Professor at the Department of Network Systems and Services, BME, compared classical and quantum communication, and touched upon quantum key distribution, perhaps the most important application of quantum communication today, which is also the central topic of the QCIHungary project. The QCIHungary project and the national quantum communication network to be built under the project were presented to the audience by András Jákó, engineer at KIFÜ. Márton Czermann, a PhD student at BME, presented his technical experience in developing a QKD system.

The presentations were followed by a panel discussion, moderated by László Bacsárdi. A large number of questions were raised, mostly technical, and to a lesser extent administrative and regulatory. At the end of the programme, the participants continued the technical discussion in an informal atmosphere.